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Forged steel gate valve

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F304 forged steel flange gate valve Z41H

Date:[2017-03-15]    hits: F304 forged steel flange gate valve Z41H

F304 forged steel flange gate valve Z41H

Forged steel gate valve belongs to a valve forging, valve opening and closing parts is ram, RAM direction of motion perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, valve can only be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and the throttle. According to the sealing surface configuration can be divided into wedge gate valve and parallel gate valve, most of the valve is sealed by force, that the valve is closed, to rely on external pressure to force the gate to the seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal.

A summary:

Forged steel gate valve is a gate opening and closing parts, RAM direction of motion perpendicular to the direction of the fluid, valve can only be fully open and fully closed, can not be adjusted and the throttle. Gate has two sealing surfaces, the most commonly used mode gate valve of the two sealing surface to form a wedge, wedge angle varies with the valve parameters, usually 50 degrees, the temperature is not high when the media is at a temperature of 52 degrees 52'. Wedge gate valve can be made into a whole, called the rigid gate; can also be made to produce micro deformation of ram, in order to improve its process of deviation, make up the sealing surface angle in the process, the gate is called the flexible gate.

Two. Classification:

The type of gate valve, sealing surface configuration can be divided into wedge gate valve and parallel gate valve, wedge gate type valve can be divided into: single gate type, dual gate plate and the flexible gate type; parallel gate type valve can be divided into single and dual gate gate plate. According to the thread position of the valve stem can be divided into two kinds of rod and gate valve.

Three. Working principle:

When the valve is closed, the sealing surface can only rely on media pressure to seal, that is, to rely on the pressure of the media to the sealing surface of the gate pressure to the other side of the valve seat to ensure the sealing surface of the seal, which is self sealing. Most of the gate valve is the use of forced seal, that is, when the valve is closed, to rely on external forces forced the gate pressure to the valve seat to ensure the sealing surface sealing. Gate valve with the valve stem with a straight line movement, called the lift rod gate valve (also known as the rod valve). Usually in the lift rod with trapezoidal thread, through the top of the nut and the valve body of the guide groove, the rotary motion into linear motion, that is, the operating torque into operation thrust. When the valve is opened, when the height of the ram is equal to 1:1 times of the valve diameter, the fluid channel is completely open, but this position is not monitored during operation. In actual use, the stem apex as a sign, that is not open position, as its fully open position. Temperature changes appear to consider locking phenomenon, usually open to the vertex position, and then rewind 1/2 1 circle, as a fully open valve position. Therefore, the valve fully open position, according to the location of the gate (ie travel) to determine. Some gate valve, stem nut is located in the gate, hand wheel rotation to drive the stem rotation, so that the gate lift, this valve is called the rotating rod or gate valve called dark rod.

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